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Join a sailing adventure on a Tall Ship and set course for new horizons!

Le Havre (FR) - Dunkirk (FR)

06 July - 11 July 2025

5 days, Christian Radich

From € 810,-

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Tall Ships Races Sail Training

15-25: € 810,-
26-67: € 1013,-

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Christian Radich:
Le Havre (FR) - Dunkirk (FR)

06 July - 11 July 2025

The Tall Ships Races 2025: Race 1. Join the stunning Norwegian vessel Christian Radich for a short but exciting race in the English Channel! Step on board in Le Havre and leave the port in a Parade of Sail to join the competition. Make new friends among your watch-mates and together learn how to sail a Tall Ship: hoist the sails, steer, navigate, and challenge yourself to climb the masts – the views from up top will be worth it! Cross the finish line and celebrate this exciting moment with the whole crew, before making your way to Dunkirk.
Important: This journey concludes on the 11th of July and does not include participation in the Crew Parade or Crew Party which happen later that day. If your main interest is the sailing experience, this voyage is perfect for you! However, if participating in hostport events is a priority, you may want to consider choosing another ship.
Open to all Windseekers aged 15+
If you are above 67 years old, please contact info@windseeker.org before booking.
Special diets available for additional € 20 per voyage.


Le Havre is a large north French maritime commercial and passenger port established in the early XVI century. The city in on the UNESCO World Heritage Site for its historical buildings and is considered a birthplace of impressionism. Walk in the steps of Monet and discover the places you know from modern art. Take a hiking tour, visit one of the nearby castles (chateau), the Graville abbey, see the hanging gardens or take a walk in one of the many city parks.

Dunkirk is the northernmost city in France and one if its biggest harbours. It lies very close to the Belgian border and dates back to middle ages when it was a fishing village. Dunkirk's maritime heritage is clearly visible, and celebrated. You can visit the Port Museum (Musée Portuaire), climb to the top of Le Beffroi de Saint-Eloi for unforgettable views or relax in one of the multiple seafront cafes and bars.

  • Le Havre (FR)

Key points

  • Dates: 6 July 2025 - 11 July 2025
  • Embarkation: 15:00 / Disembarkation: 09:00
  • For Windseekers of all ages, minimum age 15 years
  • Windseekers joining: maximum 60
  • No sailing experience required!
  • Official language on board: English
  • Price includes: accommodation and meals, excludes drinks at the bar
  • Price excludes transportation costs to-and from the ports. Our travel counsellor can advise you and book your transfers
  • Windseekers need to have a health insurance and a travel insurance
  • Need to take with you on board: sleeping bags and towels; padlock for a locker
  • Possible diets available (additional fee EUR 20 per voyage): vegetarian, vegan, lactose-intolerant, gluten-free, allergies. All special diets must be pre-ordered.
  • "I liked to be offline for a few days."

    Maria (19), Germany

You sail on the Christian Radich

Tall Ship Christian Radich under sail
Shipping type: Three masted full Ship
Homeport: Oslo (NO)
Date built: 1936
Trainees: 85
Length: 73 m
Height of mast: 37,7 m
Sail: 1360 m2

Windseeker logs

  • On the Right Course

    Gulden Leeuw, 2017 Rendez-Vous Tall Ships Regatta

    Atlantic Crossing from Halifax to Le Havre

    – by Anna (mentor's notes)

      Aug 2nd 2017   Second Day at Sea Today we have started hauling a smaller vessel, Peter von Danzig – we are currently expecting to go on motor for 2 days before the race will resume. The evening was much calmer than yesterday …

    Read log
  • Clean Circle Navigators 2019: plastic research

    – by Maarten Erich, Science Coordinator of By The Ocean We Unite & Anna Gudarowska, Windseeker

    In 2019 Windseeker teamed up with By the Ocean we Unite (now: The Ocean Movement) for the first time. In the summer 148 Windseekers took part in the first Sustainable Sailing journeys (now: Clean Circle Navigators) on four Tall Ships. …

    Read log


  • Trainee
  • Sørlandet
  • Sørlandet


STO Garant

This Journey is covered by the STO Garant guarantee. You can find the conditions for this guarantee scheme on STO Garant’s website (www.sto-garant.nl/en/downloads).

This process is automatic and you do not need to do anything else. After receiving your booking, Windseeker will send you detailed information on how and when to pay for your journey – together with all the other important details.


What does it mean?

In short: you do not pay the booking amount to Windseeker but instead into an escrow account. This trust account holds your payment in reserve until your journey’s end. The booking amount is then released to Windseeker on the day after your trip ends. If Windseeker or the Ship should become financially insolvent before the end of your trip, STO Garant will implement the guarantee. The Guarantee Scheme details how you can make a claim under the guarantee in such cases. You can read more about this here.