
We’re thrilled that you’re interested in becoming a mentor on a Windseeker sail training voyage. We take our mentorship program very seriously, as mentors play a crucial role in the sail training experiences we offer to the participants. This special position requires social skills, an open mind, lots of energy, and a willingness to learn. In return, you’ll be rewarded with happy faces and the rewarding feeling of contributing to the life-changing experiences that many of our trainees report.

As a mentor, you’ll spend a week or two in the summer aboard a sail training vessel as a volunteer. Your responsibilities will include communicating with participants before the journey and assisting with program preparation on board. You will represent Windseeker and help us ensure the best possible experience for our trainees.

We value our mentors highly and strive to support their personal learning processes. You will receive online training, coaching, and a certificate of participation. We provide everything you need on board; your job is to make the most of it.

There is no single way to be a mentor. Each of you brings your unique background, experience, and personality to the role. That’s why we take special care in matching mentors to ships, projects, and each other. It can be quite a puzzle, but with our experience, we’ve gotten quite good at it.

If you have any questions, we’re here to answer them. But first, we have a few questions for you.

Mentoring in the summer of 2025

All of the journeys for 2024 already have their mentors. If you’re interested in joining us next year, then please fill out the form below. We will store it in a safe place, and get back to you when we’re planning the next year’s journeys. Please keep in mind that it won’t happen before February 2025. If anything changes for you in the meantime, please let us know.

Windseeker mentor application form