Tall Ships Races @nl
25 : € 815,-
> 25 : € 935,-
18 July - 25 July 2015
Ga op ontdekkingsreis langs de Noorse Fjorden, aan boord van de Statsraad Lehmkuhl tijdens de Cruise in Company van de Tall Ships Races 2015. Je zeilt met de Tall Ship-vloot van de Noorse haven Alesund naar Kristiansand. Onderweg vind je schilderachtige havenplaatsjes, spectaculaire rotswanden, duizend meter diepe baaien en meer.Je helpt mee het schip door de fjorden en tussen eilanden door te navigeren – zeil zetten, klimmen in de tuigage (als je durft) en klusjes boven- en benedendeks. Trainees en crew bij de Tall Ships Race 2014 waren enthousiast over de Fjorden; we kijken er naar uit ze opnieuw aan te doen. En bij aankomst in Kristiansand wacht de crew party! Voor Windseekers vanaf 15 jaar. Voorovernachting mogelijk 62,50 EUR p.p.p.n. Aan boord slaap je in een hangmat.
"I’m not even lying when I say this has been the best journey of my life, I’m super happy and satisfied and would definitely recommend to a friend."
Gulden Leeuw, 2017 Rendez-Vous Tall Ships Regatta
Atlantic Crossing from Halifax to Le Havre
Aug 2nd 2017 Second Day at Sea Today we have started hauling a smaller vessel, Peter von Danzig – we are currently expecting to go on motor for 2 days before the race will resume. The evening was much calmer than yesterday …
Read log
New dates for the Tall Ships Races 2020 - postponed to 2021 Due to the COVID-19 pandemic The Tall Ships Races 2020 have been postponed by the organiser - Sail Training International. Instead of 2020, the Races will take place in August …
Read log10 January - 21 January 2025
Discover the Cape Verde Islands with a historic tall ship. These sailing trips with Morgenster offer a mix of active but comfortable sailing, and exploration of at least six islands in the archipelago. You will visit places still untouched by …
13 January - 21 February 2025
Exploring the Southern Ocean. Discover the shores of Falkland Islands before sailing to remote South Georgia. The wildlife is simply breath-taking! Spend some days visiting the area before heading for Antarctica. The Elephant Island will be your first land fall. …
14 January - 15 March 2025
Cross the Atlantic on board La Nébuleuse with a carbon-free shipment of cocoa cargo! This 2-month journey will take you across the ocean, with some 1-3 day stops along the way. Sail in watches, day and night, learning to steer, …