Join a sailing adventure on a Tall Ship and set course for new horizons!
Tall Ships Races @nl
25 : € 815,-
> 25 : € 935,-
18 July - 25 July 2015
Ga op ontdekkingsreis langs de Noorse Fjorden, aan boord van de Statsraad Lehmkuhl tijdens de Cruise in Company van de Tall Ships Races 2015. Je zeilt met de Tall Ship-vloot van de Noorse haven Alesund naar Kristiansand. Onderweg vind je schilderachtige havenplaatsjes, spectaculaire rotswanden, duizend meter diepe baaien en meer.Je helpt mee het schip door de fjorden en tussen eilanden door te navigeren – zeil zetten, klimmen in de tuigage (als je durft) en klusjes boven- en benedendeks. Trainees en crew bij de Tall Ships Race 2014 waren enthousiast over de Fjorden; we kijken er naar uit ze opnieuw aan te doen. En bij aankomst in Kristiansand wacht de crew party! Voor Windseekers vanaf 15 jaar. Voorovernachting mogelijk 62,50 EUR p.p.p.n. Aan boord slaap je in een hangmat.
"I became much more confident and explored my limits."
Mindelo, Sao Vicente
All the things to do: maintenance on board, going for a walk down town, having a beach day, taking a taxi around the island, exploring neighbouring islands by ferry, going out to eat and drink... A jolly good time it was …
Read log16 March - 30 March 2025
Step on board tall ship Morgenster in Horta, on the island of Faial. Leaving the Azores, there is a high chance of seeing whales, as well as dolphins, sunfish, and plenty of sea birds. Soon, even those will become less …
21 March - 04 April 2025
Sail the Eendracht from the beautiful Azores to Rotterdam. Brave the waves of the Atlantic Ocean and the fierce winds; enjoy beautiful skies and breath-taking sunrises and sunsets, and the stars in the middle of nowhere. Spend some time without …
28 March - 09 April 2025
*LImited availability* From Puerto Natales to Puerto Montt is a voyage of discovery. There will be a limited time to really explore along the Chilean coastline, heading into the fjords, anchoring beneath towering cliffs, and making time for some amazing …