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Join a sailing adventure on a Tall Ship and set course for new horizons!

Scheveningen (NL) - Esbjerg (DK)

01 July - 06 July 2018

5 days, Morgenster

From € 480,-

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Sail Training

hammock: € 480,-
4 person cabin p.p.p.: € 570,-
2 person cabin p.p.p.: € 660

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Scheveningen (NL) - Esbjerg (DK)

01 July - 06 July 2018

From the Netherlands to Denmark. Sail with the square-rigged Morgenster from Scheveningen near the Hague, across the North Sea, to the Danish city of Esbjerg. Enjoy the crossing and get your sea legs in this week-long voyage of about 550 nautical miles. Learn about sailing a Tall Ship, meet the crew of experienced sailors with lots of stories to share, and trainees from different countries. Soon you will have your own stories of crossing the sea under sails! Open to Windseekers of 15 years and older. Advice: come to the Hague a couple days early to enjoy the festivities connected to the Volvo Ocean Race Finish!


Scheveningen is a popular sea resort in the Netherlands, a stone’s throw away from the seat of government in The Hague. It has a busy marina and a lively (somewhat kitschy) promenade – great for an afternoon of sightseeing. You’ll also find plenty to do nearby. Go for a walk in the dune landscape or take a tour around the Palace of Peace. Visit Madurodam to see the Netherlands rebuilt in miniature, check out the city centre of The Hague, or explore the beach and perhaps even go kitesurfing.

Esbjerg is a beautiful coastal city in the South-West of Denmark, with the second biggest harbour in Denmark - a lively place full of fishing and shipping activities. You can observe the town's maritime history in its attractions: from the Fisheries- and Maritime Museum, Esbjerg Skibet statue to the Men at Sea monument, everything brings you back to the sea. Visit also the Ribe Vikinge Center, a fun outdoor museum where you will meet the Vikings themselves!

  • Scheveningen (NL)

  • Esbjerg (DK)

Key points

  • Dates: 1 July 2018 - 6 July 2018
  • Embarkation: 20:00 / Disembarkation: 10:00
  • For Windseekers of all ages, minimum age 15 years
  • Windseekers joining: maximum 36
  • No sailing experience required!
  • Official language on board: English
  • Price includes: accommodation and meals, excludes drinks at the bar
  • Price excludes transportation costs to-and from the ports. Our travel counsellor can advise you and book your transfers
  • Windseekers need to have a health insurance and a travel insurance
  • Need to take with you on board: sleeping bags and towels
  • "I became much more confident and explored my limits."

    Aron (18)

You sail on the Morgenster

Shipping type: Brig
Homeport: Den Helder (NL)
Date built: 1919
Trainees: 35
Length: 48 m
Height of mast: 29 m
Sail: 600 m2

Stop and Stare. This is what Marian and Harry Muter – the owners – had in mind, when people would look upon the Morgenster. And they succeeded. As a result of their refit, the Morgenster is a stunning and elegant …

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Windseeker logs

  • Morgenster EU-Exchange 1

    Morgenster, July 2015

    Belfast - Alesund

    – by Jack (20) and Arnoud (27)

    Our final day in the harbour was marked by a delightfully late breakfast, allowing everybody a proper recovery from the festivities of the prior day. The day was marked by the first happy hour of the journey, where every watch …

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  • The Sustainability of Sailing

    Windseeker, 23 February 2023

    – by Anna Gudarowska

    While sailing isn't immune to environmental impacts, we're setting a course for eco-conscious practices on board. In this exploration, we dive into the reasons why sailing and sustainability are intricately intertwined. From harnessing the wind's renewable energy to cultivating a …

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  • Trainee
  • Sørlandet
  • Sørlandet