Tall Ships in Stavanger during the Tall Ships Races 2018 Windseeker

Almost ready for departure

Benicarlo, Spain

– by crew

We are finalizing our chores. Tomorrow we will get new stores on board and then we are ready for departure to Valencia. On Wednesday we will welcome our guests on board who will sail with us to Cape Verde. What’s special this time is that we will make a stop in Agadir at the Moroccan coast.
The new guests will arrive on a shiny ship. The last few days we spend a lot of time on paintwork on deck. The railings, the anchor winch, the masts, the wheelhouse; everything has a fresh layer of paint. The small damages on the exterior are repaired. The motors and generators have been serviced. And in the meantime we also did some work on the rigging. It is really nice to take care of the ship and polish her up, but we all feel it is time to go sailing again!