Header trainee


“Leaving AntarCtica with a family of whales
around the SHIP.”


  • Hoe te boeken

    • You can book your journey by filling out the booking form on the website. You will be asked for passport data and your birth date. These details are necessary in order to provide customs with a list of passengers.
    • When we have received your booking, you will receive a confirmation by automatic reply.
    • When we have received your booking, you will receive a confirmation by automatic reply.
    • When we have received your booking, you will receive a confirmation by automatic reply.
  • Ik heb geen zeilervaring te hebben, maakt dat uit?

  • Ik ga alleen, is dat een probleem?

  • Wat is er zo speciaal aan een internationale uitwisseling?

  • Wat is de taal aan boord?

  • Ik doe mijn hertog van Edinburgh / International Award en vroeg me af of ik het varen kan gebruiken tijdens de Tall Ships Races als mijn Residential?

    Sed nec ex nisi. Nunc a mattis nisl. Sed dapibus, magna at condimentum venenatis, nisi purus ullamcorper est, vulputate varius lacus mi et est. Nullam porttitor, turpis et consequat mollis, nunc justo eleifend ipsum, at semper libero est non nibh. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent vel lectus non dolor consequat interdum. Nulla tincidunt nulla sed lorem convallis, et iaculis nulla tincidunt. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.