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Join a sailing adventure on a Tall Ship and set course for new horizons!

Kiel (DE) - Ystad (SE)

27 June - 02 July 2016

5 days, Eye of the Wind

From € 1250,-

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Sail Training

Normal price: € 1250,-

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Eye of the Wind:
Kiel (DE) - Ystad (SE)

27 June - 02 July 2016

Hoist the sails of Eye of the Wind! This Journey will take you through the Kiel Fjord and past the Danish Island of Lolland. You will have the opportunity for maritime discoveries before you reach the lines in the historic Swendish province of Scania. On your way to Ystad, there is plenty of time for visits seaports and for quiet moments at the anchorage. The Journey has a well balanced ratio between time at sea and time ashore.


Kiel is a German port town on the Baltic coast, widely known for its yearly ‘Kiel week’ – the biggest yearly regatta in the world! Many thousands of boats and ships of all kinds and eras take part in the parade. Kiel Week is also a festival, Volksfest and fair as well as a maritime event. But Kiel offers more: a slew of museums (zoological, geological, historical, fine art, industrial, and military museums), a city centre with relaxed atmosphere, and the water and shores of the Kieler Fjord.

Ystad One of Sweden’s most well-preserved medieval monasteries, the greyfriars abbey, lies in Ystad. The town also has an additional large medieval church, the church of the virgin mary. Both are highly influenced by Gothic Hansa architecture

  • Kiel (DE)

  • Ystad (SE)

Key points

  • Dates: 27 June 2016 - 2 July 2016
  • Embarkation: 19:00 / Disembarkation: 10:00
  • No sailing experience required!
  • Official language on board: English
  • Price includes: accommodation and meals, excludes drinks at the bar
  • Price excludes transportation costs to-and from the ports. Our travel counsellor can advise you and book your transfers
  • One-off registration fee €25
  • Windseekers need to have a health insurance and a travel insurance
  • "Very fun, eye-opening adventure."

    Sterre (16), the Netherlands

You sail on the Eye of the Wind

Shipping type: Brigantine
Homeport: Jersey
Date built: 1911
Trainees: 12
Length: 40.23m
Height of mast: 26,30 m
Sail: 750 m2

More than 100 years ago a sailing legend came to life: in 1911, the German Lühring shipyard built a gaff schooner named Friedrich. In 1955 she ran aground in a heavy strom off the Swedish west coast. The wreck was …

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Windseeker logs

  • A Gentle Reminder of How Far We’ve Come

    Gulden Leeuw, August 2017

    Halifax - Le Havre Atlantic Crossing

    – by Trainees

    August 3rd Hannson Paul, Phil Truchon Second day ocean sailing in Rendez-Vous 2017, all is going well so far. Yesterday we had to take down all the sails and begin to use our engine towards the next checkpoint due to the lack …

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  • Meaning something is caring about people

    Statsraad Lehmkuhl


    – by Trainee Aurélie (16), Belgium

    I wrote this before my 'after-breakfast-nap' on the last day of sailing: "It's the last day of sailing at the Statsraad Lehmkuhl, The Tall Ships Races. We are coming closer to the finishing line and I am finally writing something. I'm …

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  • Trainee
  • Sørlandet
  • Sørlandet