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Join a sailing adventure on a Tall Ship and set course for new horizons!

Cork (IE) - Gosport (GB)

17 September - 26 September 2018

9 days, Maybe

From € 980,-

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Sail Training

15-25: € 980,-
>25: € 1050,-

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Cork (IE) - Gosport (GB)

17 September - 26 September 2018

Sail the Celtic Sea from Ireland to England in this scenic voyage traditional sailing Ship Maybe. Step on board in Cork, southern Ireland, and set the course towards Cornwall, Devon and Dorset. Discover beautiful coastal towns of south England with their special charm. Learn about sailing and make great friends on board. For Windseekers of all ages, minimum age 15 years.


Cork is the Republic of Ireland's second city, and provides a energetic stop-over when sailing via the far south of the island. A riverside university town, Cork hosts a number of large festivals throughout the year, such as the month-long Midsummer festival in June and July. The endless pubs down Barrack Street provide a mix of traditional fiddle music and more modern bars.

The Gosport peninsula has 17 miles (27 km) of waterfront on Portsmouth Harbour and The Solent and is a maritime playground for all. Until the last quarter of the 20th century, Gosport was a major naval town. The pebble beach at Stokes Bay slopes steeply into the sea which is great to see. It offers fine views of the shipping going in and out of Portsmouth and Southampton and the many pleasure craft from the many marinas along The Solent and the Isle of Wight.

  • Cork (IE)

  • Gosport (GB)

Key points

  • Dates: 17 September 2018 - 26 September 2018
  • Embarkation: 14:00 / Disembarkation: 10:00
  • For Windseekers of all ages, minimum age 15 years
  • Windseekers joining: maximum 14
  • No sailing experience required!
  • Official language on board: English
  • Price includes: accommodation and meals, excludes drinks at the bar
  • Price excludes transportation costs to-and from the ports. Our travel counsellor can advise you and book your transfers
  • Windseekers need to have a health insurance and a travel insurance
  • Need to take with you on board: sleeping bag, pillowcase, sheets and towels
  • "You have to try it! You will get to know a side of you that you didn’t think you had. I learned a lot, and I became more independent after this trip!"

    Amalie (20)

You sail on the Maybe

Maybe under sail
Shipping type: Ketch
Homeport: Hull (UK)
Date built: 1933
Trainees: 14
Length: 22m
Height of mast: 24,7m
Sail: 680 sq m

TS Maybe is a gaff ketch equipped with seven sails, making her a formidable and seaworthy vessel. Measuring 22 meters in length with masts reaching up to 25 meters, Maybe is built with robust steel frames, a hardwood hull, and …

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Windseeker logs

  • A Human Adventure

    Morgenster, June 2018

    Dublin, Ireland to Bordeaux, France

    – by Mentor Robin and Trainee Agathe

    Robin Gatel (Mentor, 21 years old) I participated as a mentor to the Three Festivals Tall Ships Regatta 2018 from Dublin to Bordeaux on board the Morgenster. I was assigned to the red watch which was on deck from 8 to …

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  • Fair winds, fair planet

    Gulden Leeuw, July 2023

    Fredrikstad (NO) - Copenhagen (DK)

    – by Trainees

    Day 1 – 17th of July Today we arrived at the boat. There was a small festival with a market and music so that was a lot of fun. I came with a few Dutch people and had a great time …

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  • Dolphins
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