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Join a sailing adventure on a Tall Ship and set course for new horizons!

A Coruña (PT) - Blyth (GB)

13 August - 26 August 2016

13 days, Morgenster

From € 1260,-

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Sail Training

Hammock (p.p.p.): € 1260,-
Normal price: € 1470,-

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A Coruña (PT) - Blyth (GB)

13 August - 26 August 2016

Enjoy the event of the Tall Ships Races 2016 in A Coruña which lasts till the 14th of August. The next day it is time to leave A Coruña behind and set sail. Cruise with the Morgenster from A Coruña to Blyth. Sail the Ship over the Atlantic Ocean, through the Bay of Biscay, the English Channel, over the North Sea to Blyth. Steer the Ship, trim the sails and meet other Windseekers who may become your new friends. Blyth will host the event of the North Sea Regatta from 26-29th of August, whereafter all Ships will race to Gothenburg. Also 2 person cabin available, price € 1680. Open for all ages, minimum age 15 years (age 12-15 years at request).


Blyth is a town in southeast Northumberland, England. On the coast, to the south of the River Blyth, where its name comes from. The main industries were coal mining and shipbuilding, with the salt trade, fishing and the railways also playing an role. Today, the port handles up to 1.5 million tonnes of cargo. Walk over the quayside or go to the beach. Visit the market place. The lighthouse “ High Light”, was built in 3 stages; 10,66m in 1788; in 1888 4,26m was added and the final 3,82 m in 1900.

Key points

  • Dates: 13 August 2016 - 26 August 2016
  • Embarkation: 17:00 / Disembarkation: 10:00
  • For Windseekers of all ages, minimum age 15 years (age 12-15 at request)
  • Participating countries:
  • Windseekers joining: maximum 35 trainees
  • No sailing experience required!
  • Official language on board: English
  • Price includes: accommodation and meals, excludes drinks at the bar
  • Price excludes transportation costs to-and from the ports. Our travel counsellor can advise you and book your transfers
  • One-off registration fee €25
  • Windseekers need to have a health insurance and a travel insurance
  • Need to take with you on board: sleeping bag, pillowcase, sheets and towels
  • Contact your fellow-Windseekers via Windseeker facebook
  • "This adventure brings a lot of feelings with it, it's a wake-up call for life."

    Ian (20), Belgium

You sail on the Morgenster

Shipping type: Brig
Homeport: Den Helder (NL)
Date built: 1919
Trainees: 35
Length: 48 m
Height of mast: 29 m
Sail: 600 m2

Stop and Stare. This is what Marian and Harry Muter – the owners – had in mind, when people would look upon the Morgenster. And they succeeded. As a result of their refit, the Morgenster is a stunning and elegant …

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Windseeker logs

  • Vega Gamleby Trainees and Crew before Esbjerg Crew Parade 2018

    “We all live in the Vega Gamleby, Vega Gamleby, Vega Gamleby”

    Vega Gamleby


    – by Trainees

    Date – 14/07/18 Watch / Trainees – 8-12 – Chris Dow and Cecilie Olsen We woke up at 8 am British time, then at 8:15 am we gathered in the galley as breakfast was served. Shortly after breakfast, during a minor briefing, we …

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  • Arrival at Mindelo, Sao Vicente


    Mindelo, Sao Vicente

    – by Windseeker Jules

    All the things to do: maintenance on board, going for a walk down town, having a beach day, taking a taxi around the island, exploring neighbouring islands by ferry, going out to eat and drink... A jolly good time it was …

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  • Trainees
  • Trainee