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Join a sailing adventure on a Tall Ship and set course for new horizons!

Pensacola (US) - New Orleans (US)

13 April - 22 April 2018

9 days, Picton Castle

From € 820,-

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Tall Ships Regatta Sail Training

Normal price: € 820,-

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Picton Castle:
Pensacola (US) - New Orleans (US)

13 April - 22 April 2018

The Tall Ships Challenge 2018. This voyage will bring you from Pensacola, Florida, to New Orleans. On baord of the Picton Castle you will join a fleet of many other vessels, sailing from one exciting festival to another. After a short crossing at sea, the final part of the passage will take you up the Mississippi River to Woldenberg Park, near the Audubon Aquarium of the Americas and the famous French Quarter. There you will enjoy being part of a big festival as part of a crew. No sailing experience required, selection process applies. Open for all Windseekers, minimum age 15 years.


Pensacola, with a 450 years of historic background is a coastal city in Florida, what is full of diverse activities no matter the weather. Find yourself walking on the miles-long white beaches, visit the town full of various festivals, art and music events. With a such long history, Pensacola has something to offer in every step to any kind of taste!

New Orleans is in one of the two USA's regions located below the sea level. The city is birthplace of jazz and is well-known for its rich multicultural scene. Take a look at the European architecture in The French Quarter. Go to the Uptown, the city's most historic district. Check out the beautiful sculptures and tombs in one of 42 famous cemeteries. Take part in festivals, visit the museums and music events full of historic heritage.

  • Pensacola (US)

  • New Orleans (US)

Key points

  • Dates: 13 April 2018 - 22 April 2018
  • For Windseekers of all ages, minimum age 15 years
  • Windseekers joining: maximum of 40
  • No sailing experience required!
  • Official language on board: English
  • Price includes: accommodation and meals, excludes drinks at the bar
  • Price excludes transportation costs to-and from the ports. Our travel counsellor can advise you and book your transfers
  • Windseekers need to have a health insurance and a travel insurance
  • Need to take with you on board: sleeping bags and towels
  • "Take chances. If you don't try, you'll never know."

    Myriam (20), Belgium

You sail on the Picton Castle

Picton Castle sailing all sails
Shipping type: Barque
Homeport: Avatiu, Cook Islands
Date built: 1928
Trainees: 40
Length: 45m
Height of mast: 29,57m
Sail: 1157m2

Deep water, square rigger, ocean voyaging at its best. The barque Picton Castle is known for her international voyages, crossing oceans and a high standard of seamanship training. This 179-foot sailing ship accommodates 52 people, including 12 professional crew members …

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Windseeker logs

  • Trainees at the Vega Gamleby

    It feels like we have been out for a lot longer than we actually have

    Vega Gamleby

    Gothenburg - Blyth - Gothenburg

    – by the Trainees

    Logbook trainees Vega Gamleby 2016 Gothenburg-Blyth-Gothenburg Part 2: 25-26 August   25- August-2016 Today we have learned what all the sails and ropes are called, and what they do. We also saw dolphins again and a whale for the first time. We are getting …

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  • We sail together. We sweat together. We smile together.

    Vega Gamleby

    Gothenburg - Blyth - Gothenburg

    – by the Trainees

    Logbook trainees Vega Gamleby 2016 Gothenburg-Blyth-Gothenburg Part 1: 23-24 August We sail together. We sweat together. We smile together. We are friends. We are family. We are the champion.   23-August-2016: Linda Today it was a wonderful day. We started with a climb lesson for the …

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  • Trainees
  • Trainee