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Join a sailing adventure on a Tall Ship and set course for new horizons!

Greenwich - Lisbon (Cais da Rocha)

31 August - 07 September 2015

7 days, Santa Maria Manuela

From € 840,-

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Sail Training

Basic cabin: € 840,-
Normal price: € 1015,-

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Santa Maria Manuela:
Greenwich - Lisbon (Cais da Rocha)

31 August - 07 September 2015

Sail to the sunny South. From the capital of England, along the French coast, via the Gulf of Biscay to the capital of Portugal. Journey for all ages. (Youngsters up to age 15 need to be accompanied by an adult). Possibility to book 1 extra nigth on board before and/or after the voyage. Price € 60 per night, including breakfast.


Key points

  • "I learned that it's never too late to find a new passion in life."

    Stephanie (42), France

You sail on the Santa Maria Manuela

Santa Maria Manuela
Shipping type: Grand Bank Schooner
Homeport: Aveiro (PT)
Date built: 1937
Trainees: 50
Length: 68,64m
Height of mast: 37 m
Sail: 1130 m2

Santa Maria Manuela is is serving as a Sail Training  Ship. Unlike in the past, she will no longer bring fishermen to the fishing banks of Newfoundland and Greenland. Instead, these days she brings a new touristic offer, which stands …

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Windseeker logs

  • Morgenster EU-Exchange 1

    Morgenster, July 2015

    Belfast - Alesund

    – by Jack (20) and Arnoud (27)

    Our final day in the harbour was marked by a delightfully late breakfast, allowing everybody a proper recovery from the festivities of the prior day. The day was marked by the first happy hour of the journey, where every watch …

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  • The Archipelago of Ideas

    Valborg, July 2022


    – by Mentor Davide and Trainees

    Dear reader, Today is the first day on board the Valborg in the Helsinki Harbour! It was the start of our two-week sailing program, from the 16th of July until the 30th of July, 2022. Initially, we would be sailing from …

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  • Trainee
  • Sørlandet
  • Sørlandet