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Join a sailing adventure on a Tall Ship and set course for new horizons!

Illhavo (PT) - A Coruña (ES)

06 August - 11 August 2016

5 days, Statsraad Lehmkuhl

From € 640,-

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Tall Ships Races Sail Training

25: € 640,-
> 25: € 740,-

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Statsraad Lehmkuhl:
Illhavo (PT) - A Coruña (ES)

06 August - 11 August 2016

Join the Statsraad Lehmkuhl and her crew for the experience of a lifetime, during a part the third leg of the Tall Ships Races 2016: the part of the Cruise in Company. Make new friends with trainees from all over the world as you sail the Ship as fast as you can. Set your course over the Atlantic Ocean to the North and experience the adventure of the biggest sail race of the year. Learn the ropes, cross the finish line and enjoy a Journey you will never forget! In A Coruna you will be welcomed with an epic crew party if you will book 2 extr nights, where you will meet the trainees of other ships. Open to Windseekers from all ages, minimum age 15 years. You will sleep in a hammock! 2 Afternights in A Coruna possible / 60 EUR p.p.p.n. 20% discount at the boardprice: Old price 865 EUR, new price 740 EUR (adults), Old price 760, new price 640 EUR

Programme Outline


A Coruña is a port town in the north west of Spain. Here you will find the Tower of Hercules, a lighthouse that has been in operation for 1.800 years! The town itself is an affluent commercial and tourism hub, with plenty of things to see and do. Visit the popular beaches, explore the city centre, or sample some of the many cultural activities. The Aquarium Finisterrae lets you explore the marine life of the region. But if you prefer your fish on a plate, A Coruña’s restaurants can help you out.

  • A Coruña (ES)

Key points

  • Dates: 6 August 2016 - 11 August 2016
  • Embarkation: 18:00 / Disembarkation: 12:00
  • For Windseekers of all ages, minimum age 15 years
  • Windseekers joining: maximum of 150
  • No sailing experience required!
  • Official language on board: English
  • Price includes: accommodation and meals, excludes drinks at the bar
  • Price excludes transportation costs to-and from the ports. Our travel counsellor can advise you and book your transfers
  • One-off registration fee €25
  • Windseekers need to have a health insurance and a travel insurance
  • Need to take with you on board: sleeping bag, pillowcase, sheets and towels
  • Contact your fellow-Windseekers via Windseeker facebook
  • You will sleep in a hammock
  • "I learned that it's never too late to find a new passion in life."

    Stephanie (42), France

You sail on the Statsraad Lehmkuhl

Shipping type: Bark
Homeport: Bergen (NO)
Date built: 1914
Trainees: 150
Length: 98m
Height of mast: 48 m
Sail: 2026 m2

Cinematic action! Norway's largest sailing vessel looks like a real film set: The Statsraad Lehmkuhl has an impressive and romantic appearance with the length of 98 metres and over 2000 m² of sail - you'd better roll up your sleeves! …

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Windseeker logs

  • Changing the way we think: Looking for Sustainable Horizons

    Gulden Leeuw, July/August 2019

    The Hague - London - Amsterdam

    – by Trainees

    Participating countries: the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, France, UK and Italy.   The Logbook 27th of July 2019 Already on the bus on my way to The Hague I met another trainee with whom I found the Gulden Leeuw. We arrived quite early. On the …

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  • Meaning something is caring about people

    Statsraad Lehmkuhl


    – by Trainee Aurélie (16), Belgium

    I wrote this before my 'after-breakfast-nap' on the last day of sailing: "It's the last day of sailing at the Statsraad Lehmkuhl, The Tall Ships Races. We are coming closer to the finishing line and I am finally writing something. I'm …

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  • Dolphins
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