After two years the Tall Ships Races are back! Starting on the 7th of July in Denmark, the even will take a month to complete, including two races and one Cruise in Company leg, as well as spectacular port events. Race 1 is already sold out, but there are still last places available for the other two legs.
If you want to join the adventure this summer – don’t wait! Some of the vessels only have a couple of places left, and the next opportunity won’t come for a full year. Find the last available places below.
Join the Cruise in Company and leave the Dutch port of Harlingen in a Parade of Sail with other international vessels cheered by the spectators on land. Set course south, sailing along the coast, together with the rest of the fleet. This is a Cruise in Company, which means that there will be time to stop in a smaller port, or perhaps anchor somewhere for a refreshing swim in the North Sea. Reach the beautiful Belgian city of Antwerp and spend the last two days of your adventure in port, participating in the Tall Ships festival. March and sing in the Crew Parade, compete in games and dance with the trainees from other vessels during the Crew Party.
Are you in the mood for an international experience? Choose small (but fast!) and cozy Patricia, or much larger Gulden Leeuw - each with several different nationalities already on board. Or step on board the Eendracht or Wylde Swan - both large, modern schooners with great Sail Training opportunities!
Get ready for some serious racing! With 13 days on board, this is the longest leg of the 2022 Races, and it is quite an adventure! You will sail from Antwerp in Belgium to the Danish town of Aalborg, racing other Tall Ships, small ships and yachts for several days – and nights. Trimming the sails often for optimal performance, getting up after your watch to help with maneuvers, checking sea for your competitors and constantly watching your speed – this is an exciting time to be on board! Cross the finish line and reach Aalborg in time to spend the last two days of your adventure participating in harbour events like the Crew Parade, Crew Party, fireworks, concerts and more.
Do you prefer Patricia, with fewer trainees and a more cozy atmosphere, or a large Eendracht with many potential new friends? A modern Wylde Swan, or traditional Oosterschelde? Choose your own adventure below!