Tall Ships Races @nl
25 : € 415,-
> 25 : € 520,-
28 July - 01 August 2015
Beleef het avontuur van je leven met de Santa Maria Manuel en haar bemanning! Je zeilt mee op de tweede leg van de Tall Ships Race 2015 van Kristansand naar Aalborg. Sluit vriendschappen met sail trainees van over de hele wereld. Samen zeilen jullie het schip zo scherp als jullie kunnen over het Skagerrak. De Tall Ships Race is de grootste zeilrace van het jaar, dus zet je schrap en reik naar de finish! Het wordt een reis om nooit meer te vergeten. En eenmaal in Aalborg kun je rekenen op een epische crew party! Voor Windseekers van 15 – 25 jaar (25+ op aanvraag). Extra voorovernachting mogelijk in Kristiansand en evt na-overnachtingen in Aalborg 50/60 EUR p.p.p.n.
"When anchored at sea in the sun, I had not a care in the world."
Wadden Sea, October 2020
All photos courtesy of BTOWU
Besides providing us with super awesome, smart, science people to ensure the high quality of the sustainability side of our Exchange programs, By the Ocean we Unite also organize their own things. Like ‘citizen science’ day trips, during which folks …
Read logMorgenster Exchange@sea, July 2019
We present to you: the logbook for the Youth Exchange ‘Exploring Coastal Waters’. This is a written account by participants and mentors Sija & Meri, who were in charge of this matter. It tells the story of our time on …
Read log02 June - 30 June 2025
DARWIN200 Global Voyage: Leg 31. Sail on the Atlantic from Ascension Island to Azores. Cross the equator and explore the emerald archipelago, filled with extinct volcanic peaks and craters now covered with lush subtropical jungle and diverse wildlife! Explore remote …
02 January - 19 February 2025
DARWIN200 Global Voyage: Leg 27. Sail around the legendary Cape Horn! In past centuries, sailors that accomplished this feat earned the right the title of “Cape Horner” to boast of their seafaring victory. They were held in such reverence …
12 December - 27 December 2024
DARWIN200 Global Voyage: Leg 26. Cross the Tasman Sea on a Tall Ship. Sail from Hobart to Christchurch to achieve one of the world’s great sailing adventures. During the transit, look out for whales and albatrosses. As New Zealand rises …