Join a sailing adventure on a Tall Ship and set course for new horizons!
Tall Ships Races @nl
25 : € 415,-
> 25 : € 520,-
28 July - 01 August 2015
Beleef het avontuur van je leven met de Santa Maria Manuel en haar bemanning! Je zeilt mee op de tweede leg van de Tall Ships Race 2015 van Kristansand naar Aalborg. Sluit vriendschappen met sail trainees van over de hele wereld. Samen zeilen jullie het schip zo scherp als jullie kunnen over het Skagerrak. De Tall Ships Race is de grootste zeilrace van het jaar, dus zet je schrap en reik naar de finish! Het wordt een reis om nooit meer te vergeten. En eenmaal in Aalborg kun je rekenen op een epische crew party! Voor Windseekers van 15 – 25 jaar (25+ op aanvraag). Extra voorovernachting mogelijk in Kristiansand en evt na-overnachtingen in Aalborg 50/60 EUR p.p.p.n.
"It is an experience of a lifetime. It feels like escaping from the real world and coming into a world of adventure."
Windseeker, 23 February 2023
While sailing isn't immune to environmental impacts, we're setting a course for eco-conscious practices on board. In this exploration, we dive into the reasons why sailing and sustainability are intricately intertwined. From harnessing the wind's renewable energy to cultivating a …
Read logMorgenster, July 2018
Being a trainee on board a tall ship is an experience you can’t compare with everyday life. This is my short article about how it is to sail with the Morgenster before and during the Tall Ships Races. We all met …
Read log21 March - 04 April 2025
Sail the Eendracht from the beautiful Azores to Rotterdam. Brave the waves of the Atlantic Ocean and the fierce winds; enjoy beautiful skies and breath-taking sunrises and sunsets, and the stars in the middle of nowhere. Spend some time without …
28 March - 09 April 2025
*LImited availability* From Puerto Natales to Puerto Montt is a voyage of discovery. There will be a limited time to really explore along the Chilean coastline, heading into the fjords, anchoring beneath towering cliffs, and making time for some amazing …
30 March - 07 May 2025
*Special discount for trainees under 30.* Board the Twister on Saint Martin and roll up your sleeves to raise the sails. The trade winds will take you to Bermuda in about six days. Spend a few days exploring, before setting …