Internationaal uitwisselingsprogramma
Windseekers know no borders! And by sailing a Tall Ship, Small Ship or Yacht with the international crew in one of our International Exchange Programs, you will certainly set new cultural horizons.
Of course you’ll get to manouvre, navigate, climb the rigs, cook and clean as you would on any other Windseeker Yourney. But the International Exchange Program will add that global shine to your nautical adventure.
Mixing with local communities ashore and sailing the ship with a multi-national crew on board will stimulate your tolerance of other views, traditions and believes.
Language on board? English. And don’t worry. Basic understanding of working English is enough. If you can read and understand this, you’ll be fine!
The program allows you to enter debates, national dinner parties and games to bridge cultural differences. It will motivate you to tackle issues like sustainable innovations within the global maritime sector, and enrich you with knowledge on worldwide seafarer’s history.
Good news! If you are a Windseekers between 15 and 25 years old and wish to enter one of our International Exchanges, you may be eligible for sponsorship.
Funding is provided by the European Union, to boost intercultural understanding. Besides this funding, we’re happy to help you organize your budget with our fundraising scheme. Just e-mail us at info@windseeker.com.
You’ll never sail alone. On your Yourney, there will always be an experience professional crew on board to guide and assist you. In the International Exchanges, mentors provide the necessary support.
And if you are a mentor who accidentally stumbeled upon this page: welcome! We’ll gladly provide you with information on how to join the International Exchange program and what you can do to get your group on board. Just drop us a line at: info@windseeker.com