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Join a sailing adventure on a Tall Ship and set course for new horizons!

Azores (PT) - Brest (FR)

19 March - 31 March 2019

12 days, Eendracht

From € 487,5

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Oceancrossing Sail Training

15-25 in 4 person cabin : € 487,5
15-25 in 2 person cabin : €741
25+ in 4 person cabin : € 975,-
25+ in 2 person cabin : € 1228,5

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Azores (PT) - Brest (FR)

19 March - 31 March 2019

Homeward Bound – part two! In the last voyage of the Eendracht’s winter itinerary you will cross the Atlantic from the remote archipelago of the Azores to Brest in France. Enjoy spending almost two weeks on board, learning the ropes and getting your sea legs. This is a perfect trip for an adventurer, who cannot wait until summer – or indeed, anyone who wants to try sailing out on the open ocean. Open for all Windseekers, minimum age 15 years. You’ll be sleeping in 4 person cabins. Places in double cabins available for a surcharge of 19,50 euro p.p. per night.


The Azores are a group of 9 islands in the Atlantic Ocean, west of the Iberian Peninsula, and an autonomous region of Portugal. Sailors and trainees can explore several ports, and many do as part of an Atlantic crossing - but the most famous is Horta, which has a large port and marina. For longer visits, tourists can venture up the numerous volcanic peaks, or try one of many outdoor activities such a whale watching or mountain biking.

Brest is a major French port on the Atlantic coast, historically of strategic importance. Much of the town was destroyed during World War II, but some historic landmarks remain. Today Brest is an important navy port, so expect to see war ships berthed in the harbor. Every four years, Brest hosts the international festival of the sea, boats and sailors, with many Tall Ships attending. South of Brest you will find national park d’Armorique, a tranquil reserve where you can escape from the city.

  • Azores (PT)

  • Brest (FR)

Key points

  • Dates: 19 March 2019 - 31 March 2019
  • Embarkation: 16:00 / Disembarkation: 12:00
  • For Windseekers of all ages, minimum age 15 years
  • Windseekers joining: maximum 36
  • No sailing experience required!
  • Official language on board: English and Dutch
  • Price includes: accommodation and meals, excludes drinks at the bar
  • Price excludes transportation costs to-and from the ports. Our travel counsellor can advise you and book your transfers
  • One-off registration fee €25
  • Windseekers need to have a health insurance and a travel insurance
  • Need to take with you on board: towels
  • "I felt like a free human. Everything I did felt so good."

    Boukje (15), Netherlands

You sail on the Eendracht

Shipping type: Three-masted Schooner
Homeport: Rotterdam (NL)
Date built: 1989
Trainees: 39
Length: 58,1m
Height of mast: 44,7m
Sail: 1033 m2

Adventure, action and fun await on board of the largest three masted-schooner of the Netherlands! The Eendracht's focus is especially on youngsters, but anybody is welcome to sail along. Whatever you choose, you're always contributing to a good cause. The …

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Windseeker logs

  • We sail together. We sweat together. We smile together.

    Vega Gamleby

    Gothenburg - Blyth - Gothenburg

    – by the Trainees

    Logbook trainees Vega Gamleby 2016 Gothenburg-Blyth-Gothenburg Part 1: 23-24 August We sail together. We sweat together. We smile together. We are friends. We are family. We are the champion.   23-August-2016: Linda Today it was a wonderful day. We started with a climb lesson for the …

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  • How to avoid and deal with seasickness

    – by Windseeker

    A lot of Windseekers mention the fear of seasickness as one of their biggest pre-journey anxieties. Most of us have been there, and lived to tell the tale. Today we come to you with a handful of advice on how …

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  • Dolphins
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