Header trainee

Join a sailing adventure on a Tall Ship and set course for new horizons!

Stellendam - Falmouth

22 August - 26 August 2014

4 days, Iris

From € 400,-

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Sail Training

Normal price: € 400,-

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Stellendam - Falmouth

22 August - 26 August 2014

Sail along over the Channel from the Dutch town of Stellendam to the English Falmouth!


  • "At first I didn't know what to expect and I felt kind of insecure, but the crew was really amazing and I had an unforgettable journey."

    Finn (15), Belgium

You sail on the Iris

Shipping type: Herring Logger
Homeport: Rotterdam (NL)
Date built: 1916
Trainees: 12
Length: 36 m
Height of mast: 26 m
Sail: 400 m2

Liv and Jans have been sailing together for many years, from the North Sea and Baltic to the Atlantic. They got to know many different ships before becoming the proud owners of Iris, giving the Ship their heart and soul. The …

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Windseeker logs

  • An experience I will put in my backpack and carry with me for the rest of my life

    Morgenster, July 2016

    The Tall Ships Races

    – by the Trainees

    RUNE Arriving in Scheveningen with mixed feelings, the yearning to set sail to this adventure and the painful goodbyes. I find my awkward self back at the dinner table (for the second time today) mixed up with the crew instead …

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  • This is Where I Belong

    Oosterschelde, 2013

    Sailing from Maurituis to Australia

    – by Hannah Hurford

    When I found out that you could still sail traditional ships I remember thinking: a) this is probably a joke, and b) why have I not done it yet? I had experience sailing on yachts and dinghies but with an interest in naval …

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