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Join a sailing adventure on a Tall Ship and set course for new horizons!

Ilhéus (BR) - Azores (PT) - Brest (FR)

14 January - 15 March 2025

60 days, La Nébuleuse

From € 5959,-

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Oceancrossing Sail Training

Regular: € 5959,-

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La Nébuleuse:
Ilhéus (BR) - Azores (PT) - Brest (FR)

14 January - 15 March 2025

Cross the Atlantic on board La Nébuleuse with a carbon-free shipment of cocoa cargo! This 2-month journey will take you across the ocean, with some 1-3 day stops along the way. Sail in watches, day and night, learning to steer, handle the sails, and navigate. Set out from Ilhéus in Brazil, and head for the islands of Fernando de Noronha, unless the winds steer you directly towards the next destination: Guyana. In any case, you will follow the coast of Brazil with the prevailing winds and currents. Cross the Equator, which means Neptune’s visit and a special ceremony on board, before stopping in French Guyana. Then it’s course for the Caribbean island Martinique, before embarking on the Atlantic crossing to Brest via the Azores, with 6,600 nautical miles behind you.
After arrival, you can stay on board for one or two nights (at no extra cost) to organize your return to dry land.


Ilhéus is a city in the Bahia region of Brazil. With its beautiful beaches and rich history, it’s a well-known tourist destination. It also has a long heritage of growing and exporting cacao beans. Visit Sao Sebastiao Cathedral, relax on one of the many beautiful beaches, then go for dinner at the Centro Cultural Bataclan: not only will you try some local food, you will also learn about the history of the place!

Brest is a major French port on the Atlantic coast, historically of strategic importance. Much of the town was destroyed during World War II, but some historic landmarks remain. Today Brest is an important navy port, so expect to see war ships berthed in the harbor. Every four years, Brest hosts the international festival of the sea, boats and sailors, with many Tall Ships attending. South of Brest you will find national park d’Armorique, a tranquil reserve where you can escape from the city.

  • Ilhéus (BR)

  • Brest (FR)

Key points

  • Dates: 14 January 2025 - 15 March 2025
  • Embarkation: 19:00 / Disembarkation: 17:00
  • Windseekers joining: up to 12
  • No sailing experience required!
  • Official language on board: French and English
  • Price includes: accommodation and meals, excludes drinks at the bar
  • Price excludes transportation costs to-and from the ports. Our travel counsellor can advise you and book your transfers
  • Possible diets: regular, vegetarian, gluten-free, lactose-intolerant, accommodation of food allergies.
  • Windseekers need to have a health insurance and a travel insurance
  • Need to take with you on board: sleeping bag, pillowcase and towels.
  • "I became much more confident and explored my limits."

    Aron (18)

You sail on the La Nébuleuse

Shipping type: Dundée tuna fishing boat
Homeport: Paimpol (France)
Date built: 1948-1949
Trainees: 12
Length: 19 m (hull) / 32 m (overall)
Height of mast: 26 m
Sail: 360 m2

Windseeker logs

  • An experience I will put in my backpack and carry with me for the rest of my life

    Morgenster, July 2016

    The Tall Ships Races

    – by the Trainees

    RUNE Arriving in Scheveningen with mixed feelings, the yearning to set sail to this adventure and the painful goodbyes. I find my awkward self back at the dinner table (for the second time today) mixed up with the crew instead …

    Read log
  • The Sustainability of Sailing

    Windseeker, 23 February 2023

    – by Anna Gudarowska

    While sailing isn't immune to environmental impacts, we're setting a course for eco-conscious practices on board. In this exploration, we dive into the reasons why sailing and sustainability are intricately intertwined. From harnessing the wind's renewable energy to cultivating a …

    Read log


  • Trainee
  • Sørlandet
  • Sørlandet


STO Garant

This Journey is covered by the STO Garant guarantee. You can find the conditions for this guarantee scheme on STO Garant’s website (www.sto-garant.nl/en/downloads).

This process is automatic and you do not need to do anything else. After receiving your booking, Windseeker will send you detailed information on how and when to pay for your journey – together with all the other important details.


What does it mean?

In short: you do not pay the booking amount to Windseeker but instead into an escrow account. This trust account holds your payment in reserve until your journey’s end. The booking amount is then released to Windseeker on the day after your trip ends. If Windseeker or the Ship should become financially insolvent before the end of your trip, STO Garant will implement the guarantee. The Guarantee Scheme details how you can make a claim under the guarantee in such cases. You can read more about this here.