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Join a sailing adventure on a Tall Ship and set course for new horizons!

Bordeaux (FR) - La Rochelle (FR)

16 June - 23 June 2018

7 days, Morgenster

From € 630,-

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Sail Training

hammock: € 630,-
4 person cabin p.p.p.: € 750,-
2 person cabin p.p.p.: € 895

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Bordeaux (FR) - La Rochelle (FR)

16 June - 23 June 2018

Join a Dutch Tall Ship Morgenster for this voyage along the west coast of France. Board the vessel in Bordeaux, where you will see many Tall Ships, Small Ships and Yachts gathered there for the ending of Three Festivals Tall Ships Regatta. There is also the Bordeaux Wine Festival happening at the time – book a couple of nights in a hotel before your trip to combine two great experiences! You will get familiar with your Tall Ship before seting course for another French city of La Rochelle. Enjoy sailing with a friendly crew and meet other Windseekers while getting your sea legs. Open to Windseekers of 15 years and older.


Bordeaux is famous for its wine, but the city itself also has a lot to offer. The cathedral, the Place des Quinconces and the Port de La Lune will have you gazing in amazement. The city also has a diverse cultural agenda and a bustling nightlife. To the south of the city you’ll find sandy beaches with enormous dunes that offer great surfing conditions on the waves of the Atlantic ocean. Every two years Bordeaux organizes a harbor festival, with many Tall Ships visiting.

La Rochelle is a coastal city on the west coast of France, with three ports offering shelter from the Bay of Biscay. See the three historic towers of the old port as the 16th century protestant corsairs would have, take a day cycling to the 'Île de Ré' bridge-connected island to explore the quaint villages. Popular with cruisers and tourists, the seafront is a place to wine and dine, enjoying the region's top cuisine.

  • Bordeaux (FR)

  • La Rochelle (FR)

Key points

  • Dates: 16 June 2018 - 23 June 2018
  • Embarkation: 20:00 / Disembarkation: 10:00
  • For Windseekers of all ages, minimum age 15 years
  • Windseekers joining: maximum 36
  • No sailing experience required!
  • Official language on board: English
  • Price includes: accommodation and meals, excludes drinks at the bar
  • Price excludes transportation costs to-and from the ports. Our travel counsellor can advise you and book your transfers
  • Windseekers need to have a health insurance and a travel insurance
  • Need to take with you on board: sleeping bags and towels
  • "An amazing adventure that teaches you things you will never learn somewhere else."

    Claire (20)

You sail on the Morgenster

Shipping type: Brig
Homeport: Den Helder (NL)
Date built: 1919
Trainees: 35
Length: 48 m
Height of mast: 29 m
Sail: 600 m2

Stop and Stare. This is what Marian and Harry Muter – the owners – had in mind, when people would look upon the Morgenster. And they succeeded. As a result of their refit, the Morgenster is a stunning and elegant …

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Windseeker logs

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    Race of the Classics


    Ipswich, UK

    – by Officer Jet

    The Tecla is currently participating in the Race of the Classics for Young Professionals. This is a race that is organized every year in the autumn. Yesterday the 24 participating vessels left the Veerhaven in Rotterdam, sailing in parade they went …

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  • We embraced the square sails

    – by

    Climbing the mast was an experience. We got to know the boat from a different perspective. There was a lot of wind in the mast for example. We all stepped a bit our of our comfort zones. We also learned …

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