Bremerhaven is one of the most important German ports, playing a crucial role in Germany's trade. The town was founded in 1827, but settlements in the vicinity were settled as early as the 12th century. The main attractions for tourists are found at the Havenwelten and include the German Emigration Center and the German Maritime Museum, featuring the Hansekogge, a vintage cog dating from 1380, excavated in Bremen in 1962, and the historical harbour with a number of museum ships.
Cuxhaven is a North Sea port town in Germany, home to an important fisherman's wharf, and one of the largest sea side resorts in Germany. Cuxhaven is a quiet place, so don’t expect too much action. But its beaches, the small castle Ritzebüttel, and the ship wreck museum are well worth your time. Take a walk over the promenade and gaze at the passing ships, go for a nice dinner in one of the many restaurants, or dig up your swimming trunks and spend a nice afternoon at the beach.