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Join a sailing adventure on a Tall Ship and set course for new horizons!

Sassnitz (DE) - Eckernforde (DE)

03 June - 09 June 2018

6 days, Alexander von Humboldt II

From € 595,-

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Sail Training

14-25: € 595,-
25+: € 894,-

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Alexander von Humboldt II:
Sassnitz (DE) - Eckernforde (DE)

03 June - 09 June 2018

Sassnitz to Eckenforde – a 6 day voyage along the coast of Germany. Join Alexander von Humboldt for a short sailing trip before the summer starts. Enjoy the adventure of steering the Tall Ship, pulling on ropes, navigating and, if you want, climbing the masts to unfurl those famous green sails! A perfect journey for anyone who can’t join a longer voyage or for unexperienced sailors who’d like to try sailing on a Tall Ship for the first time. Official language on board is German. In addition extra, per person € 50, – for harbor fees, pilotage and canal fees calculated. Surcharge for 2-bed cabin 25% p.p. For all Windseekers, minimum age 18 years.


Sassnitz is a port town on the Rügen Island of Germany. You can take your time to simply stroll through the old harbour enjoying its atmosphere, or visit the U-Boat Museum for a glimpse into Germany's history. If you have some time, take a day trip to the Nationalpark Jasmund Konigsstuhl to enjoy its lush forest and beautiful coastline with white cliffs.

Eckernforde is a cahrming little town on the German coast of the Baltic Sea and a popular tourist destination. Its history dates back to the 12th century. With it sandy beach and beautiful forest Eckernforde is a perfect place to enjoy nature and sports. Spend an adventurous day in the Natur-Hochseilgarten park with its ziplines, hanging bridges and climbing obstacles. Afterwards pay a visit to the Bonbonkocherei Hermann Hinrichs factory and make your own sweet treats!

  • Eckernforde (DE)

Key points

  • Dates: 3 June 2018 - 9 June 2018
  • Embarkation: 16:00 / Disembarkation: 10:00
  • For Windseekers of all ages, minimum age 18 years
  • Windseekers joining: maximum 54
  • No sailing experience required!
  • Official language on board: German
  • Price includes: accommodation and meals, excludes drinks at the bar
  • Price excludes transportation costs to-and from the ports. Our travel counsellor can advise you and book your transfers
  • Windseekers need to have a health insurance and a travel insurance
  • Need to take with you on board: towels
  • "I learned that I could do things that I could have never done before."

    Christopher (16), England

You sail on the Alexander von Humboldt II

Shipping type: Bark
Homeport: Bremerhaven (DE)
Date built: 2011
Trainees: 54
Length: 65m
Height of mast: 32,9 m
Sail: 1360 m2

The Alexander von Humboldt II is a sail training ship in every possible way. She was built by and for sail trainers. She meets high safety standards and has modern nautical and technical facilities. The permanent crew members are specially …

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Windseeker logs

  • We got straight into setting sails

    – by

    The seas were pretty rough. Quite a lot of people were feeling seasick, but the general atmosphere onboard was very positive. We saw a lot of dolphins. The Estonian Mentor Mihkel offered a class in navigation at the change of …

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  • Sailing back to Ushuaia


    Antartica – Ushuaia

    – by Sally

    We had a great sail to Ushuaia, tacking all the way, Anne-Margaretha, well-heeled over and really showing off. Around the halfway point Heinz called the crew up and down came the fok and up went the storm fok. This added …

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  • Dolphins
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