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Join a sailing adventure on a Tall Ship and set course for new horizons!

Londen - Vlissingen

09 September - 12 September 2014

3 days, Oosterschelde

From € 350,-

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Sail Training

: € 350,-
Normal price: € 350,-

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Londen - Vlissingen

09 September - 12 September 2014

During this three-day sailing voyage, we will see London from another point of view, from the Thames. After London we will cross the North Sea and arrive in Vlissingen. Open to all ages, minimum age 15 years.


  • "Discovering how far you can surpass yourself and push your limits out of your comfort zone."

    Agathe (26), France

You sail on the Oosterschelde

Shipping type: Three-masted topsail schooner
Homeport: Rotterdam (NL)
Date built: 1917
Trainees: 24
Length: 50 m
Height of mast: 36 m
Sail: 891 m2

An adventurous classic; stepping on board this monumental beauty is like stepping into another world. The atmosphere on board the Oosterschelde is one filled with history and adventure. The classical interior and brass polished details make you feel right at …

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Windseeker logs

  • We got straight into setting sails

    – by

    The seas were pretty rough. Quite a lot of people were feeling seasick, but the general atmosphere onboard was very positive. We saw a lot of dolphins. The Estonian Mentor Mihkel offered a class in navigation at the change of …

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  • Morgenster Trainees Together

    Cultures at Sea, from individuals to-gether

    Morgenster, August 2016

    Cadiz - A Coruna

    – by Trainees

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